Top Tips for your CV and Interview

CV Tips

Grammatical Errors

  • These point to communication issues and cast doubts on your ability to understand instruction and give required feedback. To prevent this type your CV in Microsoft Word then enable the grammar and spell check by clicking File, Options, Proofing, Check spelling as you type and Mark grammar errors as you type.

Lack of Specifics

  • Option 1: I’ve worked 5 years in the IT division of a bank.
  • Option 2: I’ve trained and supervised more than 20 employees during my 5-year term at a bank recording R60,000,000 in profits. This is more informative and more like to grab the employer’s attention.

Tailor your CV for the position

Generic CV’s most likely contain irrelevant information and will not be considered for the position. Read the roles and responsibilities advertised in the role and align your experience accordingly.

Interview Tips

Research your potential employer

  • Have a general understanding of the day to day operations of the business and how your role fits in.
  • Google news articles on the employer and visit the company website to be aware of their current goings on. This will allow you to ask informed questions and display you interest in the company.

Tell us about yourself

  • State you full name, the interviewer is more likely to remember you this way.
  • Give them your nickname, this fosters familiarity. A shortening of a name or initials are best eg. ‘’My name Thabo John Sithole but people call me TJ”.
  • Avoid the following “I’m a team-player, I work too hard, I’m a perfectionist” instead try the following “I work well as part of a team, I am goal focused, I am detail oriented”.

Be Early

  • Being early for your interview allows you time to calm down before the interview.
  • It allows you get a feel for the environment and to engage with your prospective colleagues.