Future-proof skills you need

Future-proof skills you need

The difference between getting an offer or a rejection email can come down to skills and your ability to highlight your strengths in an interview or in a cover letter.

Employers have realised that employees working (in an office or remotely) are more resilient (and productive) when they have these soft skills: dependability, communication, and problem-solving. Transferable skills like teamwork, time management, and leadership are also more desirable.

However, looking at what lies beyond 2022 in this changing world, (automation and) robots will take over more roles – and there are skills that are becoming more valuable than others. You need to know which skills you should be developing to stay competitive in an increasingly automated world.

The skills you need in 2022 and beyond:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • UX design
  • Coding
  • Blockchain
  • Automation
  • Data skills
  • Critical thinking

Your willingness to reinvent yourself will keep you an in-demand resource in the workforce.