Quit your job – leave on good terms

Resign and leave on good terms

“Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for it.” – Katherine Whitehorn

Job hunting is tough and sometimes you get passed over for several jobs before finally getting an offer. It is discouraging, but if you hang in there and learn from each interview – you will find the perfect job.


The interview went well, you liked what you saw and then they made an offer. So what do you do next?

Wait for the official offer and contract. Finish any negotiations and sign the final contract. Then it is time to resign…

  • Give your boss the professional courtesy of telling him/her first. He/she might want to announce your resignation to the team or rest of the company too.
  • Be proactive and give him/her more specifics on how you will transition your day-to-day responsibilities – or make a list of all your responsibilities, where to find documents and any login details they may need after you leave.
  • Hand in your official letter of resignation.
  • Be wary of the counteroffer. If you accept a counteroffer you may become known as a flight risk. There was a reason you looked for a new job in the first place, just remember what it was.
  • Be prepared for your exit interview. Remember, exit the right way: with grace, class and preparedness.